5 Signs of A Bad Private Venue

When looking through the many West Chester banquet halls, you will surely come across some that you want to pass on. To help you out during your search, the folks from Penn Oaks Golf Club have come up with 5 signs of a bad private venue. 

1.Poor Aesthetics The aesthetic quality of the venue is perhaps the most important factor while finding the perfect private venue for your party. One of the perks of doing a wedding in a place like Chester County golf courses is that there is lots of great natural scenery for you to enjoy.

2. A Rundown Interior If there are holes in the drywall, torn up carpet, or anything along these lines, you are best off searching for a different private venue. After all, if the venue is either unwilling or unable to afford to pay for maintenance, why do they deserve your business?

3. Non-Responsive Management One common tragedy is when you find a great venue and try to inquire about prices only to be blown off and never hear back! Think of it this way; if the venue isn’t willing to respond to you right away when they are being offered thousands for a party, what makes you think they will be responsive when you need it the most?

4. Prices Too Low to Be True If you are asking around for prices and you finally receive one that blows your expectations out of the water, get suspicious. Usually, the best response to a lowball venue price is to think “what’s wrong with it?” Although you may have found a diamond in the rough, it might just be a below-average venue.

5. Very Little Space If you are getting married and want to have a reception that people remember, the amount of space available in the venue is very important. This will be the factor that decides if you are sitting shoulder-length apart from your guests, or if you have space to mingle!

Ready to Search Through Good Venues in Pennsylvania? If you are ready to look through some great wedding venues in Eastern PA then be sure to consider Penn Oaks Golf Club. We are a venue that doesn’t match any of the factors we described above. Give us a call today for a quote!


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