How to Plan Out Seating for Your Reception

The seating for your wedding reception is one of the ways that you can ensure a successful wedding. After serving countless weddings, the people from Penn Oaks Golf Club has some tips for you to consider regarding your reception seating. 

The Bridal Party Usually Sits at the Same Table It is normal for the bridal party to be sitting at the same table together. Often times, they will have a horizontal table that overlooks their guests. This way, when the time comes to make toasts they are already in a spot that is easy for everyone to see. 

Consider Keeping Friends/Family Together Your guests are very important to keep happy. Although you might want them to mingle around with others, keeping the ones who are closest together is a great way to keep each individual happy. Put groups of friends together and with other people you think they would get along with. 

Assigned Seats Are Normal Weddings can quickly get out of control if people are allowed to sit wherever they want. In addition, dinner is a lot more easily facilitated when you have assigned seating for your caterers. Then, they can call up tables separately and avoid lines. 

Keep Tables Close for Easy Mingling While people will definitely mingle with the people at their table, they will also want to have close access to others around them. Without getting rid of space for walking, try to keep tables close together so that guests can engage with each other easily. 

Put the Entertainment at a Distance & Control Volume The entertainment of your wedding is very important. However, it can also easily be too loud for people to talk with each other. Keep the speakers at a distance and/or tell the DJ to turn the volume down to a level suitable for talking. 

Still Searching for a Wedding Venue? If you want to check out some of the great places to have weddings in Chester County PA, then you should start your search with Penn Oaks Golf Club. We can help plan out your reception seating so that there are no issues during the reception and that everything goes as planned. Visit our website to learn more!


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