How to Sign Up for Golf Lessons with Penn Oaks Golf Club
Before you can get golf lessons West Chester PA with Penn Oaks, many of our customers are confused about who qualifies and how to sign up. To help shed some light, let’s go ahead and break down all that you need to know about this topic.

You Don’t Have to Be a Member

Since we are a golf club, many people don’t assume that we even allow non-members to take lessons with us! Although members get to access special discounts and better rates, non-members are still welcome to come in and take lessons with us!

First Check Packages on Our Website

The first step in getting lessons done is to decide what package(s) will work the best. Visiting our website, you will find a complete list of all the packages, prices, activities, timeframes, and much more! We have lots of packages to look through!

Think of What Activities You Want to be Included

Whether you want to practice chipping, putting, driving, using irons, and so on, we have many different potential activities to cover with lessons. This is why it is important to look thoroughly at our options and find lesson packages that best suit your needs.

Contact Us by Phone, E-mail, or In-Person

When you are aware of our packages and have decided on what might be the best option, give us a call! We can also discuss with you other options that might be best for your personal needs. You are also welcome to come in and inquire in-person, or by e-mail.

Show Up on Time!

Once you know what kind of lessons you want, have scheduled an appointment with us, and have discussed the basic logistics, you are now ready to go. From this point, all you need to do is show up on time and bring your clubs!

Ready to Get Your First Golf Lesson?

For some of the best golf near West Chester PA and lessons to improve your game, many people count on Penn Oaks Golf Club. As we explored above, there are many different packages for all ages, skill levels, and points of focus to look through. Call us today if you want to learn more!


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